May ‘24

Mountain Stuff…

Well, we got the Mini Split installed and running finally. It only took two extra weeks because ours didn’t come pre-charged. Then we needed an exact adapter. It was a lot of waiting around. BUT I now have clean heating and cooling in my room!! We are planning on getting another for the kitchen area which is the opposite of where my room is, and then a large one for the new Studio. Not too soon of course they are pretty pricy.

I was looking around the Art Studio and realized something was wrong. There was a mouse! It of course ended it’s own life in the bathtub up there with no way out. So of course I asked Dad for some extra mouse repellent. I also brushed the cats’ hair really well and put it in a ziplock with holes poked in it. Just for that fresh kitty smell too. I covered all of my bases.

Other than that the usual trying to clean and find new places for things. A major, next item, will of course have to be a “kitty poo cupboard” as I like to call it. Basically some furniture that hides the litter box so they can’t trek it all over the sides. Plus extra places to store kitty specific things if possible. I’m just tired of vacuuming up litter. I don’t mind cleaning it weekly, but a daily basis is just too much.

Dad coming home on the weekends forced me to alter my stream schedule. It also made me realize oh HEY…summer. Neighbors are going to be up here pretty much every weekend. It’s overly possible I’ll constantly be busy on the weekends with Mountain Stuff. So right now we’re streaming Mondays and Tuesdays. Likely to change quite a bit, but at least I’m working out how much time I can spend just sitting doing Art.

We had to change some stuff.

I KNOW. Not surprising with me.

The best way to explain is that I ended up moving my Cintiq back down to the house. I have a Digital Studio now. It HAS to be down with the food and the bathroom, cause I was not having a great time running from building to building. So for the time being Art Studio is all the messy stuff and inventory.

The really good news is that I’ve been getting back to working with my Cintiq and Photoshop and I’m LOVING IT. I enjoy spending time working full time again. With awesome news comes some bad news…

I’m so comfortable with it that I tend to overwork and then hurt my back spending extra time at work. THEN I’m in bed for a few days unable to bend over. I’m wondering how to adjust this part of my physical being. I used to stream so much longer before! Granted it’s been a few years, but whew. Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated. I’m taking regular breaks! At least in my own opinion. The physical limitations are getting on my nerves and I’ve only had it up and running for two weeks.

Summer is here.

And that means I’ve got to focus on some goals. I still want to do a big Clay batch of awesome things. I have new tools to use too. I’d like to just do a whole batch of many things I’ve been wanting to make or try. I also want to make some things for specific people, but it’ll have to be all at the same time so I don’t waste time dragging out all the materials.

Digitally of course I’d like to make it a consistent thing to work on Art pieces. Usually two or three sessions per piece would be nice. We’ll see how it goes, but having my Cintiq back is already making a huge difference in my work progress.


June ‘24


April ‘24