Overwhelming Inspiration

What to do with it?

Let’s be honest we all don’t have the time to just do what we want ALL the time.

And that’s okay!

But I must point out just how important it is to keep a schedule and stick to it.

One of my major flaws I have is that I’ve completely 100% stopped having Art Block. I can’t exactly tell you how other than saying I have the opposite problem. Overwhelming Inspiration and I can’t create fast enough to keep up with it.

I know, boo hoo me, right?

Lots of you probably wish you had my problem. BUT, if you did have my problem you’d understand how difficult it is to push projects aside that you truly do love because something MORE inspiring or more important came up.

I stay away from Art Challenges because I’m always stuffed full of my own things that I can’t add too much in. WELL I got my shit handed to me. Forcing in a schedule change for this challenge made me realize I should probably make a statement about this sort of thing.

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So Schedules! Schedules are very important, and you should stick to them no matter what.

Sure you can always make changes if things come up, but that works both ways.

I’m constantly trying to write in some specifics about the work I’m doing on which days so that people can keep up with what to expect from me.

It helps OTHER people out a lot because they can look at their own schedules and plan for the events they wish to be present for IF they even can.

Don’t ever feel bad about changing or not finishing a project.

I used to, and it made me depressed. People will be asshats and talk shit about your inability to finish a project.

Don’t listen to their bullshit. YOU are your own boss in Art. And you can choose which projects are more important to YOU.

This is all about you. You’re the one that is going to feel good or bad about your projects.

Ideally you should always choose the happy ones. Even if you have too many great projects you do love it’s okay to take time away from them.

People don’t use the phrase enough, so I’ll say it one more time.

It’s OKAY to do what you think is more important. Do what YOU want.


How it’s going…


Kitty Surgeries