Mountain Move Incoming!
We’ve talked about it on Stream and on Discord a lot. And now the time is here!
Between helping Dad with a few small jobs and moving truck loads of items to my mountain home all through the month of March, I’ll be trying to organize my life once more!
We’ve already planned out a lot of things and how we’ll address them.
Getting a new car.
Replicating Keys so I can have access to everything.
Fixing up our electrical problems such as broken solar panels and replacing old batteries and inverters.
Safety concerns and how to approach them since I’ll be there alone most of the time. Wild animals are still a danger.
Cleaning the Water Tanks.
Changing two water heaters from propane to electric.
And of course going from Limited Internet to Full Internet.
The list goes on.
There are so many different things that people don’t know about or don’t think about with this sort of thing when trying to go “Off the Grid.” We’ve been doing it since I was eight years old. Just this last year I turned thirty-three.
My dad and grandfather spent decades trying to create a “retirement retreat” for themselves, and they always knew they would end up there.
Me? I assumed I would have to just deal with the property after they died and what I would do with it. Sell it, keep it? It used to make me feel depressed that I wasn’t there to help them with their dream.
But the Universe makes other plans.
Now that I’m moving up there to retire at my age, it’s pretty interesting to see how everything can change ALL at once.
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If you’re new here, when I say “retire” I mean retire from working for other people. I’ve spent a few years working on my business to be able to just do what I want, and essentially this is it. I’m an Artist. People don’t think of my profession as anything but leisurely fun. And you know what? It’s both. So the running joke is that I’m retiring along with my grandmother and we’re going to just enjoy the rest of our lives.
Old picture of Dad and Rusty in the snow.
Anyways, the point is there’s a lot to do and most of the time you have to get everything fixed before the new season. We have two here. Summer and Winter. You can’t do a lot of things in Winter because of snow!
It’s not always deep deep snow. A lot of the time it’s about 2 inches of what I call “powder puff.” Not a lot, but can be slippery when melting.
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What does this mean for keeping up with me and my art? Well we’re working on that too.
I’ve already stated that I’ll be starting a Vlog that way everyone can keep up with me.
I need a few upgrades such as a much better camera not webcam.
Better pictures, and then easier access to recording around the property so you guys can have a tour!
I’m also planning on keeping a weekly update on Discord so everyone who wants to can get full detailed updates about everything including Patreon, YouTube, Gaming, etc.
Although I do stream to entertain, a lot of people who come in are my friends, and friends like to know what’s up.
You can of course find ALL links down below if you’re interested in seeing what I’m up to.
So if you have questions/comments/concerns please feel free to contact me! Otherwise I’ll see you guys around whenever I can.