F*ck You. Pay me.
I’ve been trying to keep you guys updated as much as possible so this isn’t news to some of you. But there are some serious feels in this and I want to be clear.
This isn’t just an Art thing it’s a LIFE thing.
For the past three years I’ve essentially been angry about the same thing. Working to the point my body is screaming, medical professionals are screaming at ME, and of course still not being able to pay basic bills such as Rent.
Yeah the world sucks and everyone wants to suck you dry, but so many people tolerated it.
NOW look at us. In 2021 and nobody wants to go back to work. No, it’s not because Unemployment pays more. I didn’t make shit when I worked, and Unemployment payed me less than half of that during the Pandemic. Not sure how other people got so lucky, but that’s a story for another time.
I’m writing this today to talk about how nobody can figure out why employees don’t want to go back to work. Well let’s see even BEFORE Covid we were treated like shit in almost every way and in every profession that has a Corporate system.
If you don’t fall into this category…you were one of the lucky ones.
Yes, this is all just my personal opinion. But that’s why you are here. I know some of you may feel the same way.
Pay that doesn’t even cover RENT much less Groceries, Power/Cooling/Heating, Water, etc.
And in the United States it’s a basic requirement to make 3x the normal rent amount to prove you can afford to live there. So how do we do it? We work our asses off and make our paychecks look GOOD before we move. That’s the reality of it. Just because we made it work as a society doesn’t mean that it’s right. I’ve even seen companies trying to hire $3-$4 dollars BELOW average. Ummm…NO. Hence, “Fuck you, pay me.” As an Artist when someone offers me EXPOSURE I just say “Oh wow that’s so thoughtful of you! But I must admit…I can’t eat Exposure or pay rent with it. So the answer is No.”
Working beyond what our bodies can handle.
Regardless of my own disabilities I know I wasn’t the only person working every available hour I could grab. My Doctors were mad that I was always coming in with seriously injured muscles, strains, sprains, and various other forms of physical damage in order to what? Work for LESS than Rent. Truthfully working more hours didn’t help when it should have. Even the full-time employees were getting vexed.
Don’t HARM yourself working your ass off for someone else.
This is why the majority of younger people are becoming entrepreneurs. If you’re going to work yourself to death, at least do it for YOU as your own boss. This way you can get what you give, and your work will pay off in the end. This is why I chose to become a Full-Time Artist. You can be anything you want. Just do it for YOU.
These very reasons are just scratching the surface. And nobody sees? Bullshit. Employees are sick and tired. AND sick and tired of not being paid enough.