Don’t be in such a Hurry.

Something I’ve noticed lately is that we as a species are always bustling about and in such a hurry to go and do that it infects our very existence.


Don’t be in such a hurry.

I’m reminding myself of this as I prepare to create more designs and things for my Patrons. I feel the pressure to create, create, create, because then I can produce more for later! More for later means more to sell on my shop.

But this toxic hurrying just makes me create with far less quality. So how is it that I want to make so many things, but would they be ideas worth selling? Probably not.

Again, I’m reminding myself to just take it slowly. Watch a movie while sketching on the iPad rather than trying to blunt force my hand to create like crazy. Have a cozy snuggling kitty next to me that I can pet for a while. It’s about reminding yourself to live in the moment and take it slowly.

Although the slowness kills me on the inside…

I’ve lived the majority of my life in a hurry. Now that I’m finally in my 30’s and living in a peaceful place where I can be my own person to the most free extent I can feel the stress and anxiety of the world slipping away.

And while I wish I could be in a hurry and get things done, I’m appreciating the quality of taking my time, and even more so the satisfaction of liking the work I create even more.

I want to be fast. Maybe someday I will find that routine that shortens the process later. For now… I’m taking my time.


Try it.

Take your time doing something you’re always rushing through.

Eating, Working, Planning, Journaling, etc. Whatever it is that you normally do in a hurry - just don’t.

See how you feel about it.

Especially the eating. Sometimes I can just munch down a damn good meal because it’s SO good you just can’t get enough. Take it one bite at a time. Breathe. Look at your surroundings. Maybe this is a good time to ask yourself questions you never really considered answering.

For me being on this journey of self-happiness, I look around and ask myself if this is what I wanted. It was such a sudden and rushed move that I was absolutely certain it was.

So was it?

My answer?


I feel so wonderful in the peace and quiet of the mountains. I can happily get things done without TRYING. It’s not that feeling of “I need to get this done today.” so much as it is “I need to get this list of things done. If I don’t, I’ll do them tomorrow.”

Before when I used to tell myself that it was okay to finish things tomorrow it somehow ended up being more like next week rather than me taking myself at my own word. I feel more accomplished, and more busy than ever. But with productive results.

So take a few precious moments and LIVE your life. You’d be surprised how it can change the way you feel about yourself.


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